Monday, April 6, 2009

Need To Smile?!

Pissed Today?!
BB was having a bad day today and I sent her the video that always makes us crack up!
Let's get over being frustrated and angry together by soaking up some of Mick Jagger's leotard-lovin good vibes!
The Rolling Stones: 'Start Me Up'

Now stand up and do a couple of his moves to the music! ....You feel better--Don't you?!...You can say it. This is a safe space.

Oh! and you can check out BB's new Model Portfolio video I made that 's posted below and on my youtube channel - It's full of speedos, pirates, brett michaels and pin-ups! :)


Awesome Sara said...

OMG!!! I DO FEEL BETTER!!! I love this video!! Thank you Pen, you are so on my fav people in the universe list!!!!

Pen Pen said...

:) Right! Mick never fails to deliver on a cheer up!
We're going to have my friend's boyfriend who is a Mick Jagger look-alike when he lets his hair grow out- re-create this video this summer. It'll be great!
I cry so hard I tear up every time I see this video :)

About Me said...

I'm not ashame to say I started dancing, 80s style :)

Pen Pen said...

A HAHA! THat's the best way! and- There's no wrong way dance with Mick! :)

Sweetnothin' said...

are you for real...that video is hilarious. Have to admit you put a smile on a dampy day. Thanks Penny

Our Gratitude Journal said...

I love how you write to your audience. You've got a good tone. Also: thanks for the follow!

sexypoet said...

I tried commenting on a couple of your posts and they would not go through. I then realized that I was not signed in. Total DUH moment.. I just wanted to say thanks for commenting on my blog and i'm glad your following. Your blog is amazing as well and, I look forward to following you too..

BTW.. totally great song!

Pen Pen said...

:) That's hilarious! I have real computer problems--the fact that I was even able to make this blog is astonishing :)