Saturday, March 14, 2009

Make Cupcakes, Not War!

There is an issue that I think doesn't get enough exposure in the media and it's very close to my heart. In these racially divided times, we cannot be separatists. We must learn to, as the Beatles said," Come Together!".
I have a dream that one day, all of the foods with and without icing will come together, and sing that old spiritual, "Free At Last, Praise God Almighty, We Are Free At Last!"

Via Cupcakes Take the Cake, a short film: 'Sweet Dreams' by Kirsten Lapore

Music by Kirsten, Chelsea, and Megan Lepore

IF You're In AUSTIN, TX.-
Well, now's your chance to watch it on the big screen!

It's showing at SXSW as part of the film festival at the wonderful Alamo Drafthouse, 1120 South Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas at the following dates and times:

2:00 PM, Sunday March 15th - Alamo Lamar 1

11:30 AM, Tuesday March 17th - Alamo Lamar 1

1:30 PM, Wednesday March 18th - Alamo Lamar 1

Here's the official description:

This stop-motion animation, made almost entirely with real food, tells the tale of a stalwart cupcake yearning to find something beyond his world of sugar cube skyscrapers and frosting-covered friends. When his makeshift boat crashes on foreign shores, he makes a shocking discovery that changes him forever.

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