Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hyper Crush: Rockin like it's '85!

They say they were inspired by 50's Du-Wop, 80's video games, rat tails and stage diving- but the group, HYPER CRUSH, has a lot more to offer than just hot-pink leg warmers!

Their Electro/Hip Hop based sound comes from a montage of computer games, boom boxes, du-wop clips(Candy Store), and keytaurs. Their vibe is sprinkled on top with their own raps and robotic energy that's got more pucker power than sour apple flavored fundip!

Their front man is Donny "FunnyBoy" Fontaine who is usually seen white-knuckled with a microphone spitting the groups main raps while the laser light shows dance from behind his ears and through his clear Ray-Bans. Then there's Holly "Baby" Valentine, whose look ALONE draws masses to their shows out of LA. She looks like Vanessa Carlton's hotter twin, rocks a rope band around her dark brown locks, and definitely adds an unparalleled "hotness" to the band's sound with her low cut tops and hypnotic mantras. Last, there's Preston Moronie, the dj/producer/keytaur extrodinairre. He's shy and mysterious, but anchors the sound with his complex mixes!

Here's a live show of "Robo Tech"- My fav of their collection!
I WISH I was at THIS show---WITH a glow stick, Razzles, and codename: Vanilla Twice! :)

Here's their video for "Arcade" - It's rumored that there was a 'wardrobe malfunction' during this video on Holly's part, but -sorry guys- I didn't see anything...maybe I missed it tho....hmmm.

Here's a video of a photoshoot

Behind the Scenes - Hyper Crush Photoshoot from Sicky Dicky on Vimeo.
You can check out their BLOG, myspace, or facebook.

....now if you'll excuse me...I have to go fix my side pony tail and eat some 'Tongue Splashers'! :)


Anonymous said...

I'll have to check them out!
I want a glowstick too!

Anonymous said...

these guys are hella great, Pen!

Anonymous said...

I feel like I'm on acid. Anyone else feel that way during the first video?!

Anonymous said...

More like coke laced pixie sticks!

Anonymous said...

AH HAHAH! I just read the pixie sticks comment! Funny! Wish I was in LA!

Amanda said...

Ok, ok. So you love to write fiction, pine for Amy Sedaris, take pictures of your cat, scope out cool vintage dresses, AND want the codename Vanilla Twice?

I can tell we're going to be the best of blog friends.

Anonymous said...

Ice Ice Baby!!!!! Talk about a throwback!